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WPCA Minutes 06/24/2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Old Lyme Water Pollution Control Commission held a Special Meeting on Thursday, June 24, 2010, at 7:30 p.m. in the second floor Conference Room of Memorial Town Hall.  Those present were Tom Risom, Chairman, Dimitry Tolchinsky, George James, Mervin Roberts,  Luisa Grogan, Angus MacDonald, Roger Breunig, Mike Dickey and Keith Czarnecki.  Also present was Ron Rose, Sanitarian.

Chairman Risom called the Meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.  

Chairman’s Report

Chairman Risom noted that he distributed several handouts.  He explained that at the town Meeting in early May, the Selectmen decided that the proposed WPCA Ordinance needed more socializing and he agreed to present it to the public twice before it went up again for a Town vote.  Chairman Risom stated that he plans to make a presentation to the Federation of Beaches in July at the Sound View Community Center and another presentation at the Town Hall.  He indicated that they hope to have a Town Meeting toward the end of August while summer residents are still here.  

Chairman Risom stated that the Ordinance was received well after he gave an explanation.  He indicated that the Ordinance states that they will be doing a complete survey on every lot and that needs to be changed to say that we “may” do a complete survey, as required.  Chairman Risom stated that others were concerned by the Town being given access to a lot for the purpose of investigation.  He explained that this is right in the Statutes.  

Mr. Rose indicated that he has heard no reaction to the proposed Ordinance.  

Chairman Risom stated that he is in contact with Mr. Pappalardo of Sound View, who indicates that the Community Center is available any night of the week but Wednesdays.  Ms. Grogan questioned whether the meeting was for the officers and boards of the beach associations.  Chairman Risom replied that the meeting is for the public.

Chairman Risom stated that he would be willing to do a third presentation at Rogers Lake if it was felt that a third was needed.  He stated that he would advertise these meetings in the Selectmen’s newsletter.  Mr. Breunig stated that the more the WPCA educates the public, the less resistance there will be to the changes.

Chairman Risom stated that he is in receipt of a letter dated June 7, 2010 from CT DEP that there is a grant proposal session.  He noted that the Commission can address this if anyone has any ideas.

Chairman Risom stated that he was copied on a letter from Department of Health to Dr. Sikand, expressing their concern with the proposed ordinance, amongst other things, and Old Lyme’s ability to affect them.  He indicated that his first instinct was that they are promoting the health district.

Chairman Risom stated that he received a phone call from George Hicks, DEP, who indicated that Old Colony has invited him down this weekend to speak at their annual meeting about the history of Point ‘O Woods and how they obtained sewers.  He noted that Mr. Hicks called out of professional courtesy to let the Town know that he was discussing sewer matters in Old Lyme.  Mr. Tolchinsky stated that he does not know anything about it, as he is not a member of the Old Colony Beach Association.

Chairman Risom stated that Mr. Hicks stated that the State is just about to approve use of small package systems.  Mr. Rose stated that the caveat is that the Town must join a Health District in order to do this or create a Waste Water Management District.  Chairman Risom stated that Mr. Rose’s position has been reduced from salaried full time to hourly part time.  Mr. Roberts stated that the WPCA should discuss this with the Selectmen and the Board of Finance.  He indicated that when the work isn’t done, someone in Hartford will come in and take over.  Chairman Risom agreed, noting that the Town does not want to be forced into a Health District.  Mr. Rose stated that Dr. Sikand will be responding to the DOH Letter.  Chairman Risom stated that it doesn’t make any sense that the DOH would be promoting Health Districts.  He indicated that he will look into the letter from DOH further.

Mr. Tolchinsky stated that he wrote an explanation about septic systems for public education.  He noted that many people don’t know what a septic system is or how it works.  He indicated that through the years he has found that some people will put just about anything in their septic tank through their garbage disposal.  Mr. Tolchinsky stated that he feels it is a good idea to educate the public.  He noted that he gave a copy of this to Cathy Frank for inclusion in the Selectman’s newsletter.

Treasurer’s Report

Ms. Grogan stated that they are over budget a little over $3,000.00.   Chairman Risom stated that he notified the Board of Finance that they would be over this year.  He indicated that they requested $4,000.00 additional for next year.  Chairman Risom stated that Ms. Grogan should ask Cathy Frank for the updated 2010/2011 budget.  

Ms. Grogan stated that some of the legal expenses were taken out of the Jacobson testing line item.  She indicated that she believes there are no other bills outstanding for the 2009/2010 budget year.  Ms. Grogan pointed out that the postage budget went up $200.00 for 2010/2011.

Education – No report.

Regulations – Chairman Risom stated that this position has been open since Joe O’Connor stepped down.  He asked for volunteers.

Sanitarian’s Report

Mr. Rose distributed the monthly pump-out report.  Mr. Rose stated that the Commission must send the proposed Ordinance to both the DOH and the DEP.  He stated that Old Lyme is much farther ahead with DEP then surrounding towns.  He noted that Old Saybrook and Westbrook are still fighting with DEP.

Mr. Tolchinski questioned how houses in the Commercial Zone would be affected by the Registry.  Chairman Risom explained that the Registry is only for the R-10 Zone and the C-10 Zone is not involved in the process.  He noted that any homes in that district would have to apply to convert.

Chairman Risom stated that Tim Griswold asked him how many cesspools there are in Town.  He questioned whether Ms. Swaney could get that information from the database.  Mr. Rose indicated that she could provide that information.  Chairman Risom stated that they are waiting for the new Ordinance to be enacted before they enforce any more non-pumpers.  

Mr. Breunig stated that there is a Roger’s lake Assocation Meeting next week and he is trying to get people there to educate them about the state of the Lake.  He indicated that there will be two speakers discussing the weeds in the lake.  Mr. Breunig stated that he now finds eel grass in the lake which he has never seen before.  He stated that he saw some kids in a boat pulling weeds and he wonders whether they are just pulling it up and leaving it in the water.  Mr. Breunig stated that when this is done the weeds will just root again.  He indicated that he has a call into Don Bugbee to see if he has employed these kids to remove weeds.

Mr. James suggested that the Commission consider designating Rogers Lake an area of special concern, even if it is to ban lawn fertilizers.  He indicated that he thinks this is something important to consider.

Mr. James questioned whether any non-pumpers have been taken to Court.  Mr. Risom replied that none have been.  He indicated that to his knowledge, no one that has appealed to the Appeals Board has been granted a waiver.  He pointed out that one of the reasons they asked for an increase in their budget for the coming fiscal year is to have money in the legal line item to take further action against non-pumpers.

Chairman Risom stated that the Planning Commission has asked for input for the Plan of Development that they are re-writing.  He asked for input from the Commission.

Mr. James stated that he thinks the WPCA should think about banning lawn fertilizer that contain phosphates.  Chairman Risom stated that this was done in Block Island by banning the sale of fertilizers containing phosphates.  Mr. James stated that he believes the WPCA is the Commission to take this action.  He noted that the Town fields have chemicals used on them that have warning labels to keep away from children.  He indicated that kids are getting exposure at school, on recreation fields and at home.  Mr. James stated that New York, statewide, has disallowed chemicals on their school fields, except for senior high schools.  He noted that Blackhall Country Club is Old Lyme is using natural fertilizers.  Mr. James stated that there is a general movement underway and Old Lyme should be part of it.

Chairman Risom stated that he would write a letter to Tim Griswold and implore him to maintain the level of service.

A motion was made by Dimitry Tolchinsky, seconded by Mervin Roberts and voted unanimously to communicate need to the Board of Finance and First Selectmen to restore Health Department services to what they were before Ron Rose’s hours were cut to twenty.

The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. on a motion by Dimitry Tolchinsky; seconded by Mike Dickey and voted unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,

Susan J. Bartlett
Recording Secretary